GreyHealth articles
Suzanne Stack, DVM's website,, provides a number of interesting articles.
Among those that may be of particular interest to adopters are:
Suzanne Stack, DVM's website,, provides a number of interesting articles.
Among those that may be of particular interest to adopters are:
- Osteosarcoma in Greyhounds
- Greyhound Anesthesia
- Greyhound Bloodwork
- Greyhound [Health] Myths
- Ehrlichia (Note: GreySave tests for tick-borne diseases such as Ehrlichia when our dogs first come off the track, and provides treatment for any needing it.)
- Toenails Falling Off
Greyhound Health and Wellness Program at College of Veterinary Medicine, Ohio State University
From the Greyhound Health and Wellness Program at Ohio State University website: "It is estimated that approximately 120,000 Greyhounds live in homes as pets, compared to 55,000 Greyhounds in racetracks. In the past few years, private Greyhound adoptions ranged from 15,000 to 18,000/year. Therefore, it is important that veterinary students, health-related professionals, rescue organizations, and owners recognize the physiological peculiarities of this breed. The Greyhound Health and Wellness/Transfusion Medicine Service (GHWTMS) encompasses two different clinical services:
Articles on Their Website:
From the Greyhound Health and Wellness Program at Ohio State University website: "It is estimated that approximately 120,000 Greyhounds live in homes as pets, compared to 55,000 Greyhounds in racetracks. In the past few years, private Greyhound adoptions ranged from 15,000 to 18,000/year. Therefore, it is important that veterinary students, health-related professionals, rescue organizations, and owners recognize the physiological peculiarities of this breed. The Greyhound Health and Wellness/Transfusion Medicine Service (GHWTMS) encompasses two different clinical services:
- Greyhound Health and Wellness Program (GHWP)
- Transfusion Medicine and Animal Blood Bank (TMS/ABB)
Articles on Their Website:
- Why is my dog's labwork different from yours?
- Making sense of Blood Work in Greyhounds.
- Why do Greyhounds bleed?
- Bone cancer in Greyhounds
Couto Veterinary Consultants
These articles are in part directed at veterinarians to explain the differences between greys and other dogs about which some vets are not aware. If you're not sure about your vet's expertise with greyhounds, here is expert info that you can pass on to him or her.
Couto Veterinary Consultants (CVC) provides consultation and second-opinion on clinical patients on-line via our website by e-mail ([email protected]), with follow up by telephone or videoconferencing, as needed. More about them.
Couto Veterinary Consultants: Greyhound Publications
This web page provides links to articles in professional journals covering studies of Greyhound-specific issues including blood work, platelet analysis, blood pressure, heart size, and heart murmurs. The articles are written primarily for the veterinary community.Click on the link above.
Couto Veterinary Consultants: Are Sighthounds Really Dogs?
This article discusses the “physiological peculiarities” of sighthounds, particularly Greyhounds. It covers differences in red blood cell make up and volume, white blood cell count and shape, creatine, magnesium, protein, and thyroid hormones. It also discusses how Greyhounds are different in heart action, blood pressure, and drug metabolism and tells why some veterinarians misdiagnose and mistreat Greyhound illnesses. Click on the link above.
These articles are in part directed at veterinarians to explain the differences between greys and other dogs about which some vets are not aware. If you're not sure about your vet's expertise with greyhounds, here is expert info that you can pass on to him or her.
Couto Veterinary Consultants (CVC) provides consultation and second-opinion on clinical patients on-line via our website by e-mail ([email protected]), with follow up by telephone or videoconferencing, as needed. More about them.
Couto Veterinary Consultants: Greyhound Publications
This web page provides links to articles in professional journals covering studies of Greyhound-specific issues including blood work, platelet analysis, blood pressure, heart size, and heart murmurs. The articles are written primarily for the veterinary community.Click on the link above.
Couto Veterinary Consultants: Are Sighthounds Really Dogs?
This article discusses the “physiological peculiarities” of sighthounds, particularly Greyhounds. It covers differences in red blood cell make up and volume, white blood cell count and shape, creatine, magnesium, protein, and thyroid hormones. It also discusses how Greyhounds are different in heart action, blood pressure, and drug metabolism and tells why some veterinarians misdiagnose and mistreat Greyhound illnesses. Click on the link above.